Technical center
If you develop innovative lacquer systems, which have to face increasingly challenging demands, then apart from a competent and highly motivated development team, an extensively equipped technical center with advanced coating and curing systems as well as numerous control and test equipment is essential.
In order to guarantee the best possible test systems for our coating systems we have the most modern facilities in the industry. Thus we are able to simulate a variety of different application methods of our customers in our technical center.
State-of-the-art coating plant
The new roll-to-roll coating plant from Lott-Lacke in Herford is considered a unique selling point in the European lacquer manufacturing industry. It enables the coating of any type of foil in a roll-to-roll process with radiation-curing lacquers. The speed of the system is outstanding at up to 200 m per minute.
With the new system, Lott-Lacke can now reproduce in-house the customer’s processes 1:1 to adapt lacquer formulations perfectly and quickly as needed. This leads to enormous quality assurance with simultaneous time and cost savings for the customer.